YoungVolunteer (ROBG 296)
What’s the goal?
The project’s main objective is to develop the volunteering spirit especially within young people (students in high schools, 15-19 years old) through a series of mechanisms.
What’s the budget?
348,921.03 euro, out of which 296,582.85 euro ERDF
Who is doing it?
Lead Beneficiary (LB): Association AISSER Calarasi (Romania)
Beneficiary 2 (B2): Foundation Sustainable Development and Prosperity (Bulgaria)
Beneficiary 3 (B3): Theoretical High School Mihai Eminescu (Romania)
Beneficiary 4 (B4): High school “Vasil Levski”
When is it happening?
Start date: 05.09.2018
End date: 04.03.2020
Duration: 18 months
Where is it happening?
Calarasi (Romania)
Vratsa, Silistra, Bulgaria
How is it going to happen?
- 2 new cabinets from each high school will be equipped in order for the volunteers to learn and practice different measures of intervening in case of emergencies. For the cabinets the necessary equipment will be procured: mannequins, stretcher, medical equipment for learning (masks, manual ventilation, cervical collar, splint, etc.), first aid kit for learning, video projector and interactive smartboard, furniture; Teachers will be trained in order to be able to teach the volunteers;
- 2 joint partnerships in the field of joint early warning and emergency response with public authorities (1 in Romania and 1 in Bulgaria);
- one web platform that will host the young volunteer community. The web platform will contain all documents of the projects, instructions on emergency situation, pictures and information about the organized events and a forum where the volunteers can organize and exchange information in order to better coordinate;
- 4 volunteering campaigns organized in the eligible area of the programme, Calarasi/Silistra region: 2 pilot actions will be organized in Romania and 2 pilot actions will be organized in Bulgaria (4 days each).
What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?
Programme outputs:
- 17,538 Population benefiting from flood protection measures;
- 17,538 Population benefiting from forest fire protection measures;
Programme results: The quality of the joint risk management in the CBC area
Project status
The project implementation was finalized on 04.03.2020 and the following objectives have been achieved:
- B3 - Theoretical High school “Mihai Eminescu” (RO) and B4 - “High school “Vasil Levski” Bulgaria have established and equipped two Emergency cabinets for first aid at their premises, which were equipped with mannequins, stretchers, medical equipment for learning: masks, manual ventilation, cervical collar, splint, blood pressure monitor, blood glucose test and first aid kit for learning. Both cabinets are operational and used by the school students for the training courses of using the equipment.
- 2 joint partnerships in the field of joint early warning and emergency response with public authorities (1 in Romania and 1 in Bulgaria) were established - the first partnership from Romania is signed between LB, B3 and Calarasi Emergency Situation Inspectorate and Red Cross Calarasi and the second the partnership from Bulgaria is signed between B2, B4 and Fire Safety and Civil Department Silistra and Red Cross Silistra;
- A project web platform has been developed that hosts an established young volunteer community and can be found on ;
- 793 people (students and teachers) have participated in 4 Pilot Volunteer campaigns - 2 pilot actions were organized in Calarasi, Romania and 2 pilot actions were organized in Glavinitsa, Bulgaria (4 days each);
A joint opened window to the universe mysteries
What’s the goal?
To capitalize on the touristic potential of the region (both natural and cultural), by diversifying the touristic offer of the cross-border region, focusing on scientific tourism.
What’s the budget?
1,473,253.99 euro, out of which 1,252,265.87 euro ERDF
Who is doing it?
Lead Beneficiary (LB): Natural Science Museum Complex Constanta
Beneficiary 2 (B2): History Museum Kavarna
Beneficiary 3 (B3): Naval Academy Mircea cel Batran
Beneficiary 4 (B4): National College Mircea cel Batran
When is it happening?
Start date: 04.10.2018
End date: 03.09.2023
Duration: 59 months
Where is it happening?
Kavarna, Dobrich District in Bulgaria
Constanta in Romania
How is it going to happen?
- Development of 3 tourism products: Astronomy camps, Navigation by stars and Origins;
- Development of the strategy for valorising the natural and cultural heritage through its restoration (where applicable) and promotion;
- Setting-up of a center of excellence that will offer a common image of the region Constanta-Dobrich in order to attract tourists;
- Organization of communication events.
What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?
Programme outputs:
- 3 integrated tourism products/services created;
- 1 common strategy, policy or management plan for valorising (including raising awareness) the cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion for sustainable economic uses;
Programme results: increase of the number of overnights in the CBC area with 47.000.
Project status
The project was finalized on 03.09.2023. The following main results were achieved:
Kick-off press conference was organized in Constanta on 23.06.2021 with 38 participants.
Within the work package T1. Creation of tourism products, 180 astronomy lessons were organized in the period February 2021 – May 2022; 62 astronomy observations were organized in the period January 2020 – October 2020. As well, 15 astronomy camps, 7 days astronomy camp, Open Days activities were organized by the project beneficiaries necessary to launch the tourist product “Astronomy camps”. The necessary equipment such as 4K Hybrid Planetarium shows set, mobile and stationery telescopes, astronomy observatory, VR glasses, astronomy packages, tents, sleeping bags and inflatable mattresses were purchased and installed by the project beneficiaries, was used for outdoor astronomy observations. All the lessons were recorded and uploaded on the project website, in section Courses. Workshop for the launching of the touristic product “Astronomy camps” was organized in Constanta on 23.06.2021 with 32 participants.
In regard to the second tourist product “Origins”, B3 – Naval Academy “Mircea cel Batran” organized the first offshore sail in the Black Sea on 10.10.2019 within the second touristic product, Navigation by stars and three offshore sails with yola-type sailing boats on 02.08.2021, 03.08.2021, 04.08.2021. Workshop for the launching of the touristic product “Navigation by stars” was organized in Constanta on 02.08.2021 with 52 participants.
In regard to the third tourist product “Origins”, B2 – History Museum Kavarna developed a 3D movie – application of virtual tour, which was uploaded on the purchased virtual reality glasses. Workshop for launching the touristic product was organized by B2 on 12.05.2022 in Kavarna.
In regard to implementation of the work package T2 was developed the Joint strategy for valorising the natural and cultural heritage. The Joint strategy is available at the following link:
In regard to implementation of the work package T3. “Center of excellence”, the Centre of Excellence was created and registered in the Register of Associations and Foundations. The documents related to registering of the association were presented by the Lead Beneficiary - Decision no. 137/07.01.2022 of Constanta Court – Civil Section, the Certificate of registration no. 32196/212/2021/23.02.2022 and the Certificate no. 10/23.02.2022 for registration of the association to the Special registry.
More information is available at
Danube Safety Net (ROBG-522)
Improvement of the transport safety in the common Bulgarian-Romanian stretch of the
Danube River through development of the emergency response by cross-border cooperation
What’s the goal?
The overall objective of the project is to improve the safety of river Danube navigability for the whole length of the CBC area.
What’s the budget?
5,699,612.87 euro, out of which 4,844,670.93 euro ERDF
Who is doing it?
Lead Beneficiary (LB): Executive Agency "Maritime Administration" (Bulgaria)
Beneficiary 2 (B2): Romanian Naval Authority (Romania)
When is it happening?
Start date: 15.09.2018
End date: 14.10.2022
Duration: 49 months
Where is it happening?
Montana and Ruse in Bulgaria
Constanta, Giurgiu and Teleorman in Romania
How is it going to happen?
- Development of preliminary study and data collection
- Development of common technical specifications for transport safety IT tool
- Establishment of Emergency response centers in Bulgaria and Romania
- Development of action plan joint based on reciprocity and competencies between EAMA and RNA. The action plan will cover the processes of cooperation and collaboration between the two partnering institutions in the scope of their competencies. The action plan will improve the time for reaction and will increase the level of coordination between partners in risk situations disturbing the transport safety on the Danube river including the area were getting in to the Black sea.
What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?
Programme outputs:
1 study, strategy, and action plan to improve safety of the navigation on the Danube and the Black Sea supported;
470 km total length of new and improved inland waterway;
Programme results: 100 % of the RO-BG CBC Danube length and Black Sea where safety of the navigation has been improved.
Project status
The project is finalized.
LB purchased two multipurpose non-self-propelled crafts in Bulgaria in July 2022 and one is located in Lom and the other one is located in Ruse, where were established two “Emergency response centers in Bulgaria". On 7th October 2022 was organized the final press conference on behalf of LB in Ruse, Bulgaria.
B2 purchased two multipurpose and multifunctional crafts in May 2021 and one is located in Bechet and the other one is located in Giurgiu. Also, finalized the establishment of “Emergency response center in Romania” in Constanta, Romania. On 12th of October 2022 was organized the final press conference on behalf of B2 in Constanta, Romania.
Within the project, the web platform: was developed. On the website are provided details related to the tasks of the beneficiaries and information regarding the improvement of the safety services of naval transport.
The Action Plan for Joint Emergency and Rescue Operations between the "Maritime Administration" Executive Agency and the Romanian Naval Authority in the Bulgarian-Romanian area of the Danube was developed. The joint action plan addresses the specific incidents occurring in the common Bulgarian-Romanian section of the Danube river, which requires joint actions with the use of delivered equipment under the project to LB and B2.
A&C (ROBG-576)
Art & culture – common cross-border assets in support of sustainable tourism development
What’s the goal?
The overall objective of the project is to valorize and improve the sustainable economic use of cultural assets and common cultural heritage within the CB region through development of a joint integrated tourism product based on promotion of new common thematic route ¨Art & Culture¨.
What’s the budget?
1,487,271.41 euro, out of which 1,264,180.69 euro ERDF
Who is doing it?
Lead Beneficiary (LB):Veliko Tarnovo Municipality
Beneficiary 2 (B2): Municipality of Calafat
Beneficiary 3 (B3): Face for Art and Culture Foundation
When is it happening?
Start date: 14.09.2018
End date: 13.09.2021
Duration: 36 months
Where is it happening?
Veliko Tarnovo, Vidin and Pleven in Bulgaria
Dolj in Romania
How is it going to happen?
• Development of joint integrated Thematic Route "Art&Culture", innovative joint touristic services and Marketing Strategy of the integrated tourism product “Art & Culture”;
• Organization of Promotional Campaign;
• Development of interactive workshop “Work and play: Art-therapy”, interactive Workshop “Archeologist for a day” in Calafat;
• Organization and conducting of cultural open air event “Urban art” in Calafat and of a cultural open air event “Urban art” in VT.
What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?
Programme outputs:2 integrated tourism products/services created, 2 common strategies, policies or management plans for valorizing (including raising awareness) the cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion for sustainable economic uses
Programme results: 15,000 tourist overnights in the CBC region
Project status
The project was finalized on 13.09.2021.
The following results were achieved by the project beneficiaries:
1. BL has completed repair works and implemented measures to increase the energy efficiency of the building of the Art Gallery "Boris Denev" in Veliko Turnovo, the building being operational from 28.06.2021.
2. B2 has modernized the Marincu Museum of Art and Ethnography on 24.04.2020. procuring and installing interactive equipment within the museum, according with an exhibition plan of the museum which was elaborated on 18.05.2021.
3 modules were received within the execution of the interactive equipment contract inside the Marincu Museum of Art and Ethnography, as follows:
a) "Complete interactive system of interactive LCD floor type", the activity was accomplished on 31.05.2021;
b) "System complete audio-video for games room / seminars / courses / workshops and one-way sound system ", the activity was accomplished on 26.03.2021";
c) "Digital LED / LCD signage system for displaying useful information", the activity was accomplished on 31.05.2021.
3. One trilingual web portal and elaboration of 2 mobile apps for smartphones for the integrated tourist product – 1 for Android and 1 for iOS – trilingual /in Bulgarian, in Romanian and English language / have been elaborated and can be accessed on the following link: On 16.02.2021 there were developed and installed 2 smartphone applications for the integrated TRPs - one for Android and one for iOS - trilingual (in BG, RO and ENG), user-friendly. The activity has been accepted on 16.02.2021;
4. B3 has elaborated an joint integrated Thematic Route "Art and Culture" on 05.03.2020 which includes 6 cultural sites - 4 in Bulgaria and 2 in Romania as follows: Boris Denev Regional Art Gallery (Veliko Turnovo), Marincu Palace Museum (Calafat), Vida Drama Theatre and Nikola Petrov Art gallery (Vidin), Art Gallery Donation "Svetlin Rusev Collection" (Pleven) and Art Muzeum (Craiova) and is uploaded on the project web portal
5. An opening conference has been organized in Calafat on 20.11.2018 with 35 persons in the meeting room of the House of Culture and was addressed to mass - media, to interested local stakeholders and to the project beneficiaries.
6. A kick-off conference has been organized in Veliko Tarnovo on 03.12.2018 with 52 persons, including project staff members and official representatives of all project partners, media, official guests from the cultural institutions and LB participated in the event.
7. A cultural open air event, "Urban Art" has been organized in Calafat on 23.12.2019 with 30 persons in the Civic Center of the municipality of Calafat, along with an outdoor event entitled ‘Photo exhibition under the theme "Unknown beauty of the Balkans"’. The photos for the photo exhibition have been gathered via photography contest titled "Unknown Beauty of the Balkans" held from 22.09.2017 until 22.12.2019 by the City Hall of Calafat and the winners of the contest have been announced during the photo exhibition.
8. An “Archaeologist for a day” interactive workshop has been organized in Calafat on 02.09.2021 with 40 persons, of which 30 students from "Constantin Gerota" Gymnasium School from Calafat.
9. A “Work and play: Art - therapy” interactive workshop has been organized in Calafat on 06.09.2021 with 20 persons.During the Art -Therapy Workshop, a psychotherapist moderated the activity, 10 parents of children with different ailments benefitted from the presentation of the concept of art -therapy in the activities they carry out with their children.
10. A cultural open air event “Urban art” has been organized in Veliko Tarnovo in the period 07-11.09.2021, which included open doors event in the renovated Art Gallery Boris Denev on 08.09.2021 with 112 persons, conducted plein-air event in the period 07-11.09.2021 with 12 children and 2 teachers/couches (including 37 persons participated in the event on 08.09.2021) and virtual tour for journalists on 08.09.2021 with 24 persons.
11. A closing press conference has been organized in Calafat on 10.09.2021 with 80 persons. The event was organized after modernization of Marincu Museum of Art and Ethnography to present the new exposure plan and to promote project results.
12. A Catalogue of intangible cultural heritage, included in “Art & Culture” tourist product, to provide specific information for the sites, the exposition spaces and exhibition work has been developed in BG-EN and RO-EN, uploaded on the project web-portal and available on the following link:
13. A Calendar of cultural events related to the new integrated tourism product within CB region for yearly planning of thematic events has been developed in BG-EN and RO-EN, uploaded on the project web-portal and available on the following link:
RTD Giurgiu-Ruse (ROBG-502)
Sustaining Rural Tourism in the Giurgiu-Ruse Area Through its Cultural Heritage
What’s the goal?
The project has as overall objective the development of an integrated approach to the promotion of the cultural intangible and tangible heritage of rural communities from both Giurgiu and Ruse in order to support local economic development and the evolution of rural tourism. |
What’s the budget?
360,279.12 euro, out of which 306,237.24 euro ERDF
Target at the half of the implementation period: 65,000 euro for LB and 104,500 euro for B2
Lead Beneficiary (LB): Eastern Danube Convention &Visitors Bureau Association
Beneficiary 2 (B2): Business Support Centre for Small and Medium Enterprises – Ruse
Start date: 14.09.2018
End date: 13.11.2020
Duration: 14 months
Giurgiu in Romania
Ruse in Bulgaria
Results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?
Programme outputs:1 integrated tourism product/service created, 1 common strategy, policy or management plan for valorising (including raising awareness) the cultural and natural heritage through its restoration and promotion for sustainable economic uses
Programme results: 500 tourist overnights in the CBC region
Project status
The project implementation was finalized in November 2019 and the project results are currently being assessed at progarmme level.
Project Management Team was set up and the opening press conference was held in Giurgiu on 26.11.2018 and in Ruse on 13.12.2018. All the services and equipment were subcontracted.
Based on a common methodology the two partners selected 10 villages in Giurgiu County and 10 villages in Ruse district with the highest potential for rural tourism, which was assessed in a Joint Study of Rural Communities with Touristic Potential. Based on the joint study Beneficiary 2 developed a Joint Valorisation Strategy exploring the potential of the wider Giurgiu-Ruse area to attract touristic demand and develop a strong quality brand and regional label through the experiences and products that can be offered. To promote the Joint Valorization Strategy that was developed, the project partners planned a series of roundtables with stakeholders in each of the selected 20 villages. Also, a series of communication activities and promotional materials, as well as promotional videos for each of the 20 villages were realized. More information is available on the project website