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DJ-VR: R.A.E.S – ROBG-195

Co-ordinated and efficient reactions of the authorities in the emergency situations in Dolj-Vratsa region

What’s the goal?

To improve the joint risk management in DJ-VR cross-border area.

What’s the budget?

5,935,643.42 euro, out of which 5,045,296.89 ERDF

Who is doing it?

Lead beneficiary (LB): Territorial Administrative Unit Dolj County (Romania)

Beneficiary 2 (B2): Inspectorate for Emergency Situations Oltenia (Romania)

Beneficiary 3 (B3): Municipality of Vratsa (Bulgaria)

When is it happening?

Start date: 22.12.2017

End date: 30.04.2024*

Duration: 76 months and 9 days

*the project RoBg-195 was transferred from the list of un-finalized projects to the list of non-functional projects according to the MC Decision no. 318/14.10.2024, allowing the project to reach its objective, using the beneficiaries own financial resources, until the latest on 31st of December 2026.

Where is it happening?

Dolj County, Romania

Vratsa District, Bulgaria

How is it going to happen?

  • Establishment of the Unit for Emergency Situations Interventions in cross-border area – Craiova UESI;
  • Emergency intervention equipment endowment of the Unit for Emergency Situations Interventions in cross-border area – Craiova;
  • Establishment of a cross-border point for improving the mitigation capacity of authorities in emergency situations and disasters in Vratsa;
  • Joint exercises for simulating cross-border disasters in Dolj and Vratsa;
  • Raising awareness campaign in case of risk situations;
  • Organizing press conferences at the beginning,midterm and end of the project inVratsa and respectively in Dolj;
  • Elaboration of information and publicity materials (temporary and permanent billboards, roll-up banner for events with public/stakeholders participation, personalized folders, notepads, pens, leaflets and brochures);

What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?

Programme outputs:

- 793,504 people benefiting from actions of risk management, 793,504 people benefiting from flood protection measures, 1 joint partnership in the field of joint early warning and emergency response

Programme results: increased quality of joint risk managementin the CBC area

Project status (reflected in progress reports)

The end date for the project implementation period was 21.12.2023, but due to delays in the implementation of activities by the Lead Beneficiary, the project was included in the list of un-finalized projects, according to the provisions of OG 36/2023, by the Decision of the Program Monitoring Committee Interreg V-A RoBg, no. 313/14.11.2023. The new project completion date was 30.04.2024 and subsequently, according to the Decision no. 318 from 14th of October 2024 the project was transferred from the list of un-finalized projects to the list of non-functional projects, allowing the project to reach its objectives, using the beneficiaries own financial resources, until the latest on 31st of December 2026.

2 Fire fighting vehicles 9,000 l and 1 fire fighting vehicle with increased capacity, equipped with extrication and trained first aid 4.500 l were delivered to LB.

The works for the construction of the Unit for Emergency Situations Interventions in cross-border area – Craiova UESI have been completed, the investment objective was accepted on 24.07.2024, but is not functional and in usebecause of the fact that additional work is required to obtain the fire safety permit.

IT and electronic equipment were purchased and delivered to equip UESI Craiova.

The following equipment was purchased by B3: "Medical equipment for monitoring vital signs", "Emergency transport ventilation system for command and assisted ventilation with integrated oxygen cylinder", "High capacity 4x4 pickup truck", "Specialized vehicle for transport of blood products and human organs for transplantation' and 'Ambulance with incubator for the transport of newborns'. The contracts are signed for "Heavy vehicle for intervention in case of truck accidents", "Technical vehicle for rescue", "Vehicle with snow plow and device for spreading sand and salt" and "RIB boat (Rigid inflatable boat) with trailer for Transport".



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