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Final press conference for the project “Advertising of Regional Cultural Heritage in 3D – ARCH 3D”

On 19th of July 2018, at 11.00 o’clock Municipality of Balchik is organizing final press conference for the project “Advertising of Regional Cultural Heritage in 3D – ARCH 3D”, implemented by Balchik Municipality as Lead Beneficiary in partnership with Mangalia Municipality and financed under the Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme. The press conference will be held in the Hall of the Municipal Administration of Balchik.

Amongst the main achievements of the project was the elaboration of 20 promotional 3D videos, which are being presented on the facades of sites of cultural heritage on both sides of the border: on the facade of the Old Mill (Starata Melnitsa) in Balchik and on the facade of the Community Center “Casa de Cultură” in Mangalia. Also, two exhibition halls have been established in Mangalia and Balchik, in which the promotional videos are being presented on a year-round basis.
More information about the project can be found on the following link:

Published on 17.07.2018


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