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Starting press conference for the project “Cross Border Cooperation Mechanism in the Field of Social Assistance at multi-regional level Romania-Bulgaria”

On 27th of July 2018, at 11.00 o’clock County Agency for Payments and Social Inspection Constanta - AJPIS Constanta is organizing starting press conference for the project “Cross Border Cooperation Mechanism in the Field of Social Assistance at multi-regional level Romania-Bulgaria”, implemented by AJPIS Constanta as Lead Beneficiary in partnership with AJPIS Dolj, AJPIS Teleorman and Agency for social assistance /ASA/ from Bulgaria and financed under the Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme. The press conference will be held in Hotel Bavaria Blu, Blvd. Mamaia, Constanta.

Amongst the main achievements of the project is the elaboration of comparative study Romania-Bulgaria regarding the regulatory framework and working methodologies and procedures in the areas of social benefits and social inspection; elaboration of needs analysis regarding the areas for improvement in the fields of social benefit management and social inspection; developing by CBC 2 public policies, one for each country, regarding the areas of benefits management and social inspection that will valorize the best practices identified in the two countries; capacity building for the border area deconcentrated bodies of the two public institutions in the areas of social benefits management and social inspection, based on the new policy developed in cooperation; capacity building for staff of mayor's offices and NGOs from border area regarding the new policy developed in cooperation; development and implementation of an online information exchange tool between the partner public institutions.
More information about the project can be found on the following link:



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