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Let’s celebrate together the EC Day 2018!

Each year on 21 September and the surrounding days, the European Territorial Cooperation Programmes across Europe, are celebrating the European Cooperation Day under the motto ‘Sharing borders, growing closer’!

Each community in Europe is celebrating the achievements of the territorial cooperation in its region, through different inspiring actions, pointing out how much has been achieved so far: remarkable projects creating valuable ties between territories and people, helping to ensure that borders are not barriers, bringing Europeans closer together, helping to solve common problems and encouraging strategic work towards common goals.

In the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, the Joint Secretariat for the Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme is inviting you on 20th of September 2018 in Pleven, Bulgaria to celebrate together the EC Day 2018, at our event which aims to show the world how the cross-border region between Romania and Bulgaria preserves its heritage and how it became more beautiful, attractive, safer through European funds.

The participants will have the great opportunity to know the common heritage by visiting an amazing exhibition of the models of cultural and historical sites from the cross border area which has been realized within the project RoBg 6 “Danube, a river with a lot of history”, financed by Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme. This will be completed by a photo exhibition showing results of the projects financed also, by our Programme. Through alternative means of communication (drawing, music, pictures) the participants will share their thoughts on the European Cooperation by using colors, music and pictures, celebrating together the European Cooperation Day.

The event will be held in Hall ”Pleven” of the District Administration Pleven, starting with 11.00 o’clock.

We would be honored if you would join us at this event for promoting the Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme!

Published on 12.09.2018


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