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First press conference of the project “Danube – A river with lot of common history”

On 20th of November 2018, starting at 13:00 o’clock at the Regional Historical Museum in Pleven will be held the first press conference of the project “Danube – A river with lot of common history”, ROBG – 476, implemented in partnership with “Open Hand” Foundation, Pleven, Bulgaria as Lead Beneficiary and Association “Euro Teleorman”, Alexandria, Romania as Beneficiary 2.

The project aims to improve the sustainable use of resources and the natural and cultural heritage between Romania and Bulgaria. It is expected that through applying innovative and long term measures and activities the level of awareness will be risen and the sites with a common history, part of the cultural and natural heritage in the cross border region, will be promoted, thus increasing the tourist flow and the number of tourist overnights in the region.
More information about the project can be found on the following link:
Posted on: 16.11.2018


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