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Call for tenders for the ESPON research: Cross-border Public Services 2.0 / CPS 2.0

The call for tenders for Cross-border Public Services 2.0 research was launched, as a result of close cooperation with DG REGIO and of the agreement regarding two complementary thematic activities. The research shall aim at capitalizing and disseminating widely of the Cross-border Public Services CPS focused Analysis ( 2018 ).

The main objectives are: validation of the conceptual and methodological framework regarding data collection and analysis on cross-border public services in the EU, organization of data collection ( updating the database and the comparable indicators for analyzing the provision of these services in the cross-border regions), increasing information among stakeholders in order to reach a wider audience.

The open call, published in the same time by DG Regio, represents an inventory of the CPS, allowing the continuous updating of individual servicies.

Maximum available budget cap: 75,000 euro, excluding VAT

Deadline for submission of tenders: 26th of April, 2021.

For further information, please access the ESPON website:


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