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Cool campaign alert!!

As you know, cooperation is synonymous with teamwork and mutual support. Only together, we can be a team and take the best decisions for our region. The people who know better than anyone the challenges of the cross-border area are obviously, the ones who carry out their daily activities there and we wanted them in our team! We have always considered that the active participation of citizens is the best way to discover certain gaps and eventually, find solutions in order to solve them.

However, to be more specific, we have thought of something: In the next weeks, we will show you 6 success stories of the citizens involvement in the implementation of the Programme Interreg V-A Romania Bulgaria. These stories were developed within the initiative RoBulUs: Tools for Enhancing Youth Engagement in Romania-Bulgaria Cross-Border Cooperation, funded by the European Commission.
The active participation of young people in activities regarding the modernization of cities, development and implementation of local policies promotion of culture and tourism, or support for women and young people to find a workplace are just a few of the amazing results you may see if you follow our campaign. These stories are the real proof that one of the best teams our Programme formed, are the ones with our citizens. :)
I bet you are already curious! If so, please follow our Facebook page:, in the following weeks and share your thoughts.



08 July 2024
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