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We support young people in developing new competences and starting a career!

Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme supports the young people in starting a career and gaining new competences through territorial cooperation initiatives.

"Improvement of the conditions for employment of youth in the tourism sector" ICEYTC (ROBG - 191) Project is one of these initiatives that promotes the competitiveness and mobility of youth in the cross-border area.

The Municipality of Kavarna created a Virtual Bilingual Center to connect employers and young people looking for a job in the field of tourism in the Dobrich-Constanta cross-border region. Just by creating an account, you can be in touch with an employer and get all the information you need!

The Project was implemented in partnership with the University “Ovidius” of Constanta and the Association "Partners 2000" from Calarasi.

For more information, please follow the link:



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