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Interreg V-A ROBG Annual Conference took place and it was a real hit!

Beneficiaries, representatives of management structures, European Commission, Embassy of Bulgaria in Romania, local authorities and many other interested parties/stakeholders joined our event, organized on the 14th of December 2022 in Craiova, at beautiful Cultural Center “Constantin Brancusi”.

The main goal of the conference was to present our achievements during this year of Interreg V-A ROBG implementation and also, to share with everybody our work and future plans.
Moreover, some of our beneficiaries were invited to share 5 successful project stories, focusing on results and on how their work improved the life of people from the cross-border area.
The participants were engaged in interactive sessions and in this way we found out their expectations from us. This is our first step in including them in the preparation of our future plans. 
This successful event was made possible thanks to your work and dedication, which we truly appreciate. We hope you will be on our side along this new adventure!

For photos from the event, click here.



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