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Starting press conference for the project “Streamlining the joint response actions to emergency situations”

On 07th of August 2018, at 09.00 o’clock, General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations is organizing starting press conference for the project "Streamlining the joint response actions to emergency situations"

, implemented by General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations as Lead Beneficiary in partnership with Directorate General Fire Safety and Civil Protection –Ministry of Interior (Bulgaria) and financed under the Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme. The press conference will be held in Lido Hotel, Craiova.
Amongst the main achievements of the project is the procurement of specialized equipment, improvement of training center for conduction of trainings for height and diving rescue activities, elaboration of the common training curricula and the joint partnerships, providing common trainings and joint exercises, reviewing of the Joint Intervention Plan, elaboration of 3 contingency plans.
More information about the project can be found on the following link:

Published on 06.08.2018


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