“Better connected secondary and tertiary nodes to TEN-T core and comprehensive network through joint CBC measures”
What’s the goal?
The project main objective is to improve traffic conditions, safety and conductivity between secondary and tertiary nodes and core TEN-T infrastructure in the cross border area through the modernization of 5.087 km of local and regional roads of cross-border importance.
What’s the budget?
4,769,687.25 euro, out of which 4,054,234.14 euro ERDF
Who is doing it?
Lead Beneficiary (LB): Veliko Tarnovo Municipality (Bulgaria)
Beneficiary 2 (B2): Territorial Administrative Unit Calafat Municipality (Romania)
Beneficiary 3 (B3): Future Today Association (Bulgaria)
When is it happening?
Start date: 10.12.2019
End date: 31.12.2023
Duration: 48 months and 22 days
Where is it happening?
Vidin, Veliko Tarnovo in Bulgaria
Calafat, Dolj County in Romania
How is it going to happen?
- Modernization of 5.087 km of local and regional roads of cross-border importance, which directly connect the secondary and tertiary nodes on both sides of the Danube to the basic TEN-T infrastructure;
- Coordinating the mechanisms for overcoming the new common challenges arising from the operation of the core TEN-T infrastructure on Pan European corridors 4, 8 and 9;
- Organizing awareness-raising activities with the support of NGOs for the safety of citizens in places where the heavy burden of road traffic meets the local population.
What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?
Programme outputs:
- 5.087 km of reconstructed or modernized roads;
- 3 common mechanisms to facilitate the connection of secondary / tertiary nodes to the TEN-T infrastructure, namely: Elaboration of a traffic safety measures report, applying route guidance and implementation of an awareness raising campaign of safety.
Programme results:
- 85,854 cross-border population served by modernized infrastructure leading to TEN-T.
Project status
Current Project Status:
The implementation period of the project ended on 31.12.2023, but because of the delays registered at the investment activity of LB, the project was included on the list of non-functional projects. The new completion date of the project is 31.12.2024.
The investment objective of LB is divided in 3 sub-sites. The opening of sub-site no. 1is expected to take place on 16th of September 2024, while the construction works are foreseen to be finalized on 20th of December 2024. The construction works for sub-sites no. 2 regarding the street network and no. 3 with the 2 bridges are almost completed. Following the modernization of 1.4 km of road in Veliko Tarnovo, LB reported a number of 76,811 persons served by the modernized infrastructure for the Result indicator.
B2 finalized the construction works on his behalf and reported as achieved 0.51 km of modernized roads in Calafat. The reception at the end of the construction works on behalf of B2 took place on 21st of September 2023. In addition, B2 reported a value of 16,809 people served by the modernized Jiului Street for the Result indicator.
B3 finalized the implementation of 2 joint mechanisms to facilitate the connection of secondary/tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure, namely the awareness raising campaign on safety and the traffic safety measures mechanism. The report on traffic safety measures can be found at the following links:
On 26.08.2024, respectively 29.08.2024, B3 organized 2 informative events entitled “Project ROBG-383 Horizons: A Journey Through Aims to Accomplishments” in Ruzhintsi and Veliko Tarnovo.
Improving the connection of tertiary nodes Mangalia and Balchik to TEN-T infrastructure
What’s the goal?
The general objective of the project is to create the road infrastructure in Mangalia and Balchik representing direct connections to the TEN-T.
What’s the budget?
7,049,095. 87 euro, out of which 5,991,731. 48 euro ERDF
Who is doing it?
Lead Beneficiary (LB): Territorial Administrative Unit – Mangalia Municipality
Beneficiary 2 (B2): Balchik Municipality
When is it happening?
Start date: 04.04.2019
End date: 03.10.2022
Duration: 42 months
Where is it happening?
Mangalia in Romania
Balchik in Bulgaria
How is it going to happen?
- Development of 4 common mechanisms, namely route guide, feasibility study aimed at cross-border transport, traffic safety measures and awareness-raising activities;
- Modernization of 7.83 km of road infrastructure in Mangalia;
- Modernization of 8.62 km of road infrastructure in Balchik.
What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?
Program output: 16,450 m (16.45 km) total length of reconstructed or modernized roads; 4 common mechanisms to facilitate the connection of secondary / tertiary nodes to the TEN-T infrastructure (e.g. route guidance, incident / emergency detection and management, traffic flow studies, feasibility studies addressing the cross-border region);
Programme results: Cross-border population served by modernized infrastructure leading to TEN-T - 49,301.00 citizens.
Project status
The project is completed.
The project was completed on 03.10.2022.
LB (Territorial Administrative Unit - Mangalia Municipality) - "Improving the road infrastructure in Mangalia for a better connection to the TEN-T network" includes 17 city streets with a total length of 7.83 km. The contract for the execution of the works was signed on 12.12.2019 and on 23.12.2019 the order to start the works was issued.
The construction works for the objective - "Improving the road infrastructure in Mangalia for a better connection to the TEN-T network" were completed on 04.10.2022, according to the Reception Protocol at the end of the works no. 74841 of 04.10.2022.
Although the project was completed, during the special monitoring visit on 11.04.2024, the following were found:
- A number of 4 streets out of a total of 17 streets (16,450 m) are affected by the works carried out by RAJA (replacement of water pipes and sewerage).
- These streets are: Dr Motas street., Mihai Viteazu street., Oituz str. and Negru Voda street.
The modernized streets are currently affected by the works carried out by RAJA SA for works on the water and sewage network. After the completion of the works, the streets will be brought to the initial stage of modernization, prior to the intervention of RAJA SA.
B2 (Municipality of Balchik): "Modernization of road infrastructure in Balchik in order to improve connectivity to the TEN-T network" - 8.62 km
All construction activities have been completed. All necessary documents according to the Bulgarian spatial planning law have been issued and signed by all relevant parties for all three sections:
I. “Rehabilitation of municipal road DOB1149 /I-9, Kavarna- Balchik/- Topola- Ikantalaka- municipality limit (Kavarna- Balchik)- Tuzlata- Balchik - Albena / I-9 /, from km 4 + 500, to the municipality limit (Kavarna - Balchik), at km 10+020, at the intersection with Road II-27 from the city of Balchik – L=5 520 m” - Protocol of reception of the executed works, issued on 28.08.2020;
II. “Rehabilitation of municipal road DOB 3160 - /DOB 1149, Topola - Balchik/ - municipality limit (Kavarna - Balchik) - Tuzlata - /DOB 1149/” from km 2+170 to km 4+083 – L=1 913 m - Protocol of reception of the executed works, issued on 10.03.2020;
III. “Rehabilitation of a part of the street network of the city of Balchik”, for which the Protocol of reception of the works executed on 01.09.2020 was issued, including:
- “Primorska” street section from OT77 to OT118, L = 400 m;
- turnaround for buses on “Primorska” street, F = 1,400 m2;
- a crossroads between “Primorska” and “Cherno more” streets;
- the section of “Cherno More” street from OT37 to OT308, L = 790 m.
Risk management and flood protection in cross-border regions Calarasi and Polski Trambesh
What’s the goal?
The main objective of the project is to improve the joint risk management in the cross-border region Polski Trambesh (Bulgaria) and Călăraşi County (România)
What’s the budget?
3,853,515.63 euro, out of which 3,275,488.28 euro ERDF
Who is doing it?
Lead Partner: Municipality of Polski Trambesh (BG)
Partner 2: Territorial Administrative Unit – Călăraşi County(RO)
When is it happening?
Start date: 17.03.2017
End date: 16.03.2022
Duration: 60 months
Where is it happening?
Veliko Tarnovo in Bulgaria and Calarasi in Romania
How is it going to happen?
- improved conductivity of the riverbed of river Eliyska
- implementation of a Flood Forecasting and Early Warning System in Polski Trambesh Municipality
- improved endowment of IES Călăraşi by purchasing 3 new intervention vehicles
- implementation of an Emergency situations management information system in Călăraşi County
- joint action plan in the field of emergency situations signed
What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?
Programme outputs: 300 000 people benefiting from actions of risk management, 150 00 people benefiting from flood protection measures, 1 joint partnership in the field of joint early warning and emergency response
Programme results: improved quality of joint risk management
Project status
The project is finalized.
The following have been achieved within the project:
1. The Eliyska river bed from the Polski Trambesh Municipality was repaired in order to improve the conductivity and the banks were strengthened. The erosion processes were limited so the potential harmful impact of high water levels in the Yantra River on the adjacent terrains on the territory of the Polski Trambesh Municipality was minimized.
2. Exchanged experience and knowledge between both countries, which participate in the implementation of the project activities.
3. Four joint project meeting were held, two in Polski Trambesh Municipality (Bulgaria) and two in Calarasi County (Romania), at the begining and at the end of the implementation period of the project. At the meetings, there were participated representatives of disaster prevention services from both partners. They exchanged experiences regarding the legislation in both countries, work systems, identified needs to purchase new and more advanced equipment in search and rescue of people in disasters.
4. Two joint exercises for emergency situations were held, one in Polski Trambesh Municipality (Bulgaria) in the period 31.08.2022-02.09.2022 and one in Calarasi County (Romania) in the period 12.09.2022-14.09.2022. The demonstrative joint exercises were performed by using the equipment purchased by the LB and B2.
5. A flood risk assessment for the project cross-border region was prepared, which to help in dangerous situations and prevent from them. Both LB and B2 have developed Disaster protection plans. On the basis of these two disaster protection plans, developed by each project partner, it was developed a Joint Intervention Plan in the fields of competence of Calarasi County Inspectorate for Emergency Situations “Barbu Stirbei” (Romania) and Directorate of Fire and Civil Protection of Veliko-Tarnovo District (Bulgaria).
6. Physical measures and instruments for flood risk management were designed and implemented. An early warning system and an information system for monitoring the level of the Eliyska River were developed and implemented in Bulgaria, and an information system for the management of emergencies was designed, developed, and implemented in Calarasi County. Also, Calarasi County Council purchased 3 new intervention vehicles (Mobile water pumping system with a capacity of 30,000 l/min, Unexploded Bomb Transport Vehicle and Autocrane 60t with salvage equipment). The 3 new intervention vehicles are in the endowment of the Calarasi County Inspectorate for Emergency Situations “Barbu Stirbei”
7. One joint partnership agreement was signed on 31.08.2022 between Calarasi County Council and Polski Trambesh Municipality, having as general objective to exchange experience and good practices in implementing state policy on disasters and accidents, exchange the best experience in prevention through raising the population’s awareness and coordination in the field of rapid disaster mitigation action.
W-TEN (ROBG-440)
Well connected nodes Giurgiu - Borovo to TEN-T transport network
What’s the goal?
The common challenge approached by the project is to improve the accessibility and mobility to the TEN-T network and thus to create suitable conditions for sustainable development in the border area.
What’s the budget?
4,945,538.25 euro, out of which 4,203,707.51 euro ERDF
Who is doing it?
Lead Beneficiary (LB): TAU Giurgiu County
Beneficiary 2 (B2): Borovo Municipality
When is it happening?
Start date: 01.08.2019
End date: 31.12.2023
Duration: 53 months
Where is it happening?
Ruse (Bulgaria)
Giurgiu (Romania)
How is it going to happen?
- Integrated information and awareness system
- Joint traffic management system and awareness
- Modernization of DJ 601: Bolintin Vale – Malu Spart
- Works in Borovo Municipality
What will be the results (what’s the contribution to the Programme)?
Programme outputs: - Modernized transport infrastructure providing access to the TEN-T network (Total length of reconstructed or upgraded roads 11.73 km.);
- 2 joint mechanisms to facilitate the connection of secondary/tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure
Programme results: Cross border population served by modernized infrastructure leading to TEN-T – more than 20,877 inhabitants.
Project status
Current Project Status:
The implementation period of the project ended on 31.12.2023, but because of delays registered in the investment activity of LB, the project was included on the list of un-finalized projects. The new completion date of the project is 31.08.2024.
B2 has finalized the construction works for the modernization of 4.32 km from the street network in Borovo on 14.12.2021.
LB finalized the construction works for the modernization of 7.41 km of road in Giurgiu within the investment activity „Modernization of DJ 601: Bolintin Vale – Malu Spart – DN61, km 13+685 – km 14+184 and km 22+263 – km 29+221, 7.45 km” on 23.05.2024. The reception at the finalization of the works took place on 10.07.2024.
B2 had elaborated the study „New opportunities for traffic management and traffic safety measures in Giurgiu-Borovo area”. The study examined the state of transport infrastructure in the cross-border region, identified affected areas, made a SWOT analysis of the current situation, a risk analysis related to optimizing transport conditions in the cross-border region Borovo - Giurgiu, review of applicable regulations in Bulgaria and Romania defining the institutional responsibilities of the authorities regarding transport conditions and traffic safety by analyzing their role in the whole process.
The interactive map and the smartphone application are available for free on Google play and App store under the name “Borovo Blackspots”. The map is available in Bulgarian, English and Romanian and it contains the locations of the black spots https://w-ten.info/?ait-items=blackspot-locations&lang=en.
The application allows a user to report a new accident and it also promotes important touristic objectives, which can be visited by potential tourists coming to the area and it promotes the rules of traffic safety.
B2 elaborated the Traffic Management Plan and purchased equipment on his behalf for the traffic monitoring system in order to realize a functional information system for traffic monitoring. In addition, LB purchased equipment for the traffic management system and put it onto operation on 23.11.2023. The Joint traffic management system developed by the project’s beneficiaries is functional and can be accessed at https://wtentraffic.eu/.
Within the project were organized the following events:
- 2 Conferences “New opportunities for traffic management and traffic safety measures in Giurgiu-Borovo”, one in Borovo on 24.11.2023 and one in Giurgiu on 27.11.2023.
- The Workshop „How to improve the traffic safety measures within the Giurgiu - Borovo cross-border area?” on 24.11.2023 in Borovo.
- The closing press conference on behalf of B2 took place on 11.12.2023 on Borovo with 50 participants.
- B2 implemented also the traffic awareness activities and developed the promotional materials (leaflets, posters).